
Chai Chats – MuKappa Calvin College

Johnny's Cafe - Calvin College 1835 Knollcrest Circle Southeast, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Come join us in community for an hour of fellowship with other TCKs who can empathize with your experiences-- and get a cup of tea too!

Brunch – MuKappa Cairn University

Eshelman's House

Come out this Saturday and enjoy some pancakes and fellowship with your international family!

Trauma and Healing Evening – MuKappa Calvin College

Commons Annex Alumni Board Room 3201 Burton St SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

MuKappa and Calvin's Center for Counseling and Wellness will co-host Dr. LaMar, a psychologist who specializes in high mobility trauma.

Tax Event – MuKappa Cairn University

Cairn University 200 Manor Avenue, Langhorne, PA, United States

Helping students do their taxes; look for Guy Eshelman in the back corner of the cafeteria.