You already know the difference MuKappa made in your college life. Now you can be the one to carry it forward in the life of another TCK.

Become an Alumni Ambassador

MuKappa International has been active on college campuses since 1985. And as a MuKappa alumni, you know firsthand the experience you had and what a difference it can make for other TCKs.

That’s why we want to continue to engage with you as an adult and encourage you to consider becoming a MuKappa Alumni ambassador.

Throughout the MuKappa network of Chapters, a constant need exists for knowledgeable adults like you to help school advisors and student leadership in maintaining healthy participation in their campus program.

A need also exists in helping MuKappa Chapters find local churches to come alongside and help TCKs with the details of daily life and relationships.

If you would like to be part of MuKappa’s Alumni Ambassador network, contact us today and we’ll suggest ways you can be involved with MuKappa.

Keep Current with MuKappa

You can also Sign Up to receive regular information about events, stories, products, and news.

Join our Team

We are looking for additional team members as well as volunteers. Contact Us and let us know about you and your area of interest.

Give back

Consider giving back to MuKappa by becoming a financial donor. MuKappa staff are self-supported, and finances go a long way to maintaining MuKappa and continuing to develop new ideas.